
These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: GTC) apply to all contracts between BR Quality Consulting GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “BR”) and the client in relation to the provision of services by BR in the areas of consulting, project planning and management. The GTCs also apply in particular to personnel leasing.

Scope of application:

These GTC govern the legal relationship between BR and its customers in relation to the aforementioned services. Terms and conditions of the customer that deviate from this are only binding if BR has expressly recognized them in writing. Insofar as the provisions in the confirmation deviate from those in these GTC, the provisions in the confirmation shall apply. The GTC may be amended and then would apply in the currently valid version.

Conclusion of the contract:

The customer’s inquiry is deemed to be a binding offer to conclude a contract. The inquiry may be made verbally, in writing or by e-mail. BR shall confirm the inquiry in writing or by e-mail. Once the confirmation has been sent, the contract between the parties is deemed to have been concluded, unless a separate agreement is concluded regarding BR’s activities.

Transfer of the procurement to a third party:

The BR is not entitled to transfer the management of the business in part or in full to a third party. The BR is free to conduct internal organization and distribute work.

Liability of the client:

The client’s liability shall be governed by Art. 402 CO. In particular, the client shall also be liable for any damage incurred by BR unless the client is able to prove that it is not at fault.

Termination of contract, notice of termination, non-use:

The contract can be terminated in writing at any time with 2 months’ notice.

Invoicing and payment:

BR invoices the services periodically at the customer’s request and upon termination of the contract. Invoices are sent by e-mail to the known address. Payments are due within 20 days and, unless otherwise stated in the order confirmation, must be made to the following account: IBAN CH98 0078 1625 6346 2200 0. After expiry of the payment deadline, interest on arrears of 5% incur. A fee of CHF 50.00 will be charged for reminders.

Privacy policy:

The latest version of the privacy policy is available at all times on the company’s website (www.brqualityconsulting.com). It forms an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions. The customer is required to take note of the privacy policy and accept the provisions contained therein.
Changes to the General Terms and Conditions:

BR reserves the right to amend these GTC at any time. The customer will be notified of changes to the GTC with appropriate notice.
Type of contract:

Insofar as no provision results from the specific conclusion of the contract or these GTCs, the provisions of the simple contract (Art. 394 et seq. CO) shall apply to the services of BR for the benefit of the customer.

Place of jurisdiction and choice of law:

The contractual relationship shall be governed exclusively by Swiss law. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes is Berneck SG. BR shall endeavor to find an amicable solution before a dispute arises.

Entry into force:

These GTC of BR entered into force on December 1, 2023.

Linda Cazzato

head of Hr and Operations

Mit einem kreativen Fundament als Malerin begann meine berufliche Reise, entwickelte sich durch meine Zeit bei der Kantonspolizei Zürich und als Teamleiterin in einem Marketingunternehmen. Die Leidenschaft für Erwachsenenbildung entfaltete sich und 2019 begann ich das Studium zur eidgenössisch diplomierten Fahrlehrerin. Die Gründung meiner eigenen Fahrschule 2022 ermöglichte mir, meine Ausbildungsleidenschaft weiter zu intensivieren.

In meiner aktuellen Position als Head of Human Resources and Operations bei der BR Quality Consulting GmbH bringe ich eine vielseitige Expertise mit. Neben langjähriger praktischer Erfahrung absolvierte ich 2024 erfolgreich den zertifizierten Lehrgang als HR-Assistentin an der ZWB in Zürich. Meine Leidenschaft für Menschenentwicklung und meine Kommunikationsfähigkeiten positionieren mich ideal als Hauptansprechpartnerin für HR-Angelegenheiten innerhalb des Unternehmens.